Saturday, December 13, 2014

11 Dec 2014- Week Two in MTC- Temple Visit

Wow, so much has gone on this week I don't even know where to begin. One of the guys in our district has been having terrible back pain and he prayed and felt like he needed to go home. So as a district the 9 of us and the 2 zone leaders gave him a blessing!! it was so great!! I felt the spirit so strong and I know that when we are worthy we can have the companionship of the spirit to guide our words in the very moment. 

So this week we had companionship inventory! and it was much needed. companionship inventory is when the two companions talk and discuss about things they think are good and bad that each other is doing. its so that if there is anything prohibiting them from working as one, they get it out in the open and are able to move on and better improve their companionship!  I got the opportunity to be blunt with a few of the missionaries and I probably hurt their feelings but as a representative of Jesus Christ, its unacceptable to be wasting time, cracking jokes and getting distracted from the purpose of being out here. Being district leader gets hard at times because everyone looks to me for the example including the teachers, zone leaders, branch presidencies....its a lot of pressure but I'm not dead yet. 

So me and Elder Afualo are teaching two investigators a week now. we had a lesson Monday night, one on Tuesday morning and one on Friday and Saturday night. its exciting to share not only what you know to be true but what you feel in su corazon es verdad. 

My Spanish is really coming along and I've memorized la primera vision, proposito misional, y la invatacion a ser bautizado. I bore my testimony on fast Sunday and cried like a nino because I just knew what I was saying to everyone was what I truly felt. I don't know, this whole mission thing has been way crazy and I couldn't have asked for a better situation.  I'm trying my best to make you guys proud (mom and dad) and I wont ever forget whose name is next to Jesucristo. Take care and pictures are on the way! 

hahaha oh man I cant believe I almost forgot this, hey mom! so when we went to the temple visitor center, one of the missionaries there is from Oregon so I asked him about it!! hahaha he said yeah ''you better look out for the drug lords, there's a big drug line that runs through Oregon.'' but yeah I'm psyched and he seemed pretty chill! that's all for now, talk to you guys next week! and Luke, kill it out there on ur play, good luck man! I'll pray for you!

hahaha im not sure what instrument this is, but it sounds like a mix between an accordion and a broken trumpet. haha 

oh yeah there's some really important Mexican holiday, either today or tomorrow and we saw a ton of people carrying Mary on their backs.

oh yeah there's some really important Mexican holiday, either today or tomorrow and we saw a ton of people carrying Mary on their backs.

some places we saw on the way to and from the temple! so cool

some places we saw on the way to and from the temple! so cool

hahahaha heres me on a nachoooooo libre bike we found by the temple, there's so many in mexico.

opened it and hung it up,

oh yeah we went to the temple today. it was rad

these are my roomies!! the two natives left earlier this week so the four of us cant wait to get some fresh meat, or as we like to call them ''muy verdes''

our first investigator!! Luis Loya! hes so cool and he thought it was hard to stop drinking coffee until we told him, as missionaries, we cant have any chicas. haha


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Guadalupe Day!
