Dear Family,
I'm so pumped for Ricky, that's so cool that he was able to be baptized by the famous Bishop Padilla. Tell him I said Congrats!!
Thanks for the Halloween pictures, I'll be sure to send one as well.
Luke thinks I'm soft?...''Hey Luke, how's having to wake up for seminary each morning going?'' hahaha Poor guy.
Well this week, was super nuts but super fun!
We're working hard but having fun a lot of fun. Elder Reyes and I are finding a ton of new people to teach and the families that we're with right now are progressing really fast.
Man the other night we were with a family and when we got there they had just finished yelling at each other and they were talking about separating so we thought the best thing we could do was pull a ''Doctor Phil'', and sit down with them and have a chat. We started with a prayer and then asked a few questions to understand what the problem was. We talked about how important it is to have good, healthy, communication between husband and spouse and that there is a level of trust needed as well. In the beginning they didn't want to speak to each other but towards the end they were more open and understanding towards one another. We ended the visit talking about the blessings that the families receive when they endure (together) to the end. and then to finish the husband gave the closing prayer and he said ''thank you heavenly father that we're not mad at each other like we were before'' it reminded of how a kid would say a prayer but that's exactly what Heavenly Father wants of us, to return as a ''little child'' in humility.
We really learn so many things as missionaries where if we hadn't come out we could've never had these experiences.
We threw a little party for Elder Vallejo. He's in our district and he's been in the mission field for about 2 months. haha So the tradition, and I think I've mentioned it before, but the tradition is that when its someones birthday and they go to take a bite of their cake, you shove their face into the cake hahaha so that's what one of the other elders did and man he got cake up the nose hahah I'll send a picture, poor guy.
But yeah, we're so excited for November because we have a ton of things planned (activities, baptisms, car washes)
Yes, we can do car washes in November, Mexico rocks!!
Love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Padilla
The last district meeting from last transfer. |
There he is, the birthday boy. |
Halloween day with the neighbors. |
We got lost in a grocery store so we took pictures to remember where we'd already been. |
In Angostura, of the only areas that has a beach! |